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A Little Energy Healing


Updated: May 12, 2021

Kate and I were talking a few hours after her Energy Session.

“I was drawn to your feet,” I told her, “it was unusual. I spent a lot of time holding them, and I just saw and felt this while light pulsing up through the soles of your feet and up through your body. It was beautiful and felt really powerful. I don’t know what it meant, but I’m glad I remembered to tell you about it.”

I heard her take in her breath and there were several seconds of silence.

I waited.

“That’s so cool!” she finally exclaimed. “I hurt my feet last week in tango class with my husband. They’ve been so sore ever since. I haven’t been able to dance and it even hurts to walk or just stand on them. I don’t know why I forgot to mention it to you before the session. But Mandy, since the session they haven’t hurt at all and I feel great!”

We were both pretty incredulous. Perhaps me more than her. I am constantly amazed that this work really can have that kind of concrete result; that kind of simple healing. And I just love it when it does.

Energy Healing is about moving stagnant energy within the body to facilitate health and healing- emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health and healing. As an Energy Worker, I’m holding my hands on or just above the body. I frequently sense the energy physically- heat or tingling in my hands, a fullness in my palms perhaps, a lightening or thickening of the density of the space around an area of my client’s body. Sometimes I see things in my mind’s eye- colors, images, people, creatures, sometimes even pieces of a story. Occasionally I’ll detect an odor or scent. Other times I’ll hear something, usually a directive of sorts, gently but firmly guiding me towards what to do next. I might also feel something within my own body, usually a sense of pain or discomfort which generally indicates what’s happening in my client’s body.

Sometimes the changes and shifts are subtle, quiet, a gentle sense of release, relief, relaxation. Other times more concrete, like the easing of pain in Kate’s feet. I love this work, and I love the impact it has on people’s lives.

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